What We Do
CBDS Without Walls is a unique program carried out 100% in the community. This program provides an excellent opportunity for individuals to exclusively interact with fellow citizens while utilizing community resources. Participants are picked up at their homes, all activities take place in the community, and individuals will be dropped off at their homes at the end of their session.
Without Walls daily activities, goals, and objectives incorporate the unique strengths, abilities, needs, and preferences of participants. Through 4 foundational support services - leisure activities, volunteering, continuing education, and hobbies – Without Walls offers the flexibility required for individuals to express self-determination, build natural supports, engage in civic pursuits, and learn to use resources outside of a program setting.
Program participants, limited to no more than four per group, select, plan, and execute natural community outings with the assistance of one program staff. Staff picks up each participant at their home, goes to a community meeting site selected by participants, then help participants map out their day using map, train, and bus apps, websites, telephone calls. While staff may assist with arrangements for some outings, participants are empowered to plan their day by securing reservations, plotting routes, and considering timetables. By taking charge of how they spend their days, individuals seamlessly integrate into their communities becoming full, visible, and lifelong contributors.
Program Hours: Scheduled start and stop times may shift, reflecting a 6-hour activity day. Individuals may be picked up as early as 7:30am and dropped off as early as 1:30pm based on location and activities.

Are you interested?
To qualify for CBDS, a person must be at least 22 years of age and qualify for services through the Department of Developmental Services (DDS). All referrals must be approved by the DDS Area Office.
Traci Cabral
Director of Day Programs
Office: 508-695-4046 x136
Cell: 508-212-8077