What We Do
AEI currently has two CARF Accredited Day Habilitation programs: Journey's Day Program in North Attleboro, MA and Mansfield Connections in Mansfield, MA.

Our dynamic Day Habilitation programs offer planned, coordinated, goal-based supports to help develop, maintain or improve the functional ability of individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities. Our person-centered supports, based on medical, clinical, and therapeutic, and developmental supports that promote the ability of individuals with developmental disabilities to live more independently in everyday community settings. In addition, our programs provide life skills, social opportunities, and opportunities to make friendships with each other and in the community. Our goal is for individuals to learn various life-enhancing skills, participate in stimulating activities, achieve greater self-esteem, and achieve a strong committed presence through an active schedule of volunteerism.
An Interdisciplinary Team consisting of a Registered Nurse / Health Care Supervisor, Developmental Specialist, Day Habilitation Service Manager, and Program Director work with licensed Occupational and Physical Therapists, Speech and Language Pathologists, and Behavior Clinicians who assess each individual’s therapy need and recommends the day habilitation needed to empower members with the skills necessary to live as independently as possible. Professional services include therapy, developmental skills training, registered nursing, exercise, and nutrition groups.
Therapy Services
- Speech/Language therapy
- Occupational therapy
- Physical therapy
- Positive Behavior Support
Developmental Skills Training
- Self-preservation, self-help, and safety skills at home and the community
- Functional verbal and nonverbal communication skills
- Budgeting, personal finance, and making personal purchases
- Nutrition, wellness, and cooking classes
- Interpersonal skills, recreation / leisure, and healthy Relationships
- Orientation and exploration of neighborhoods, communities, and towns
Registered Nursing
- PCP Approved Medical Care Plans, Administration of medications, and treatments prescribed by a physician
- Education in nutrition, hygiene, and health concerns
- Coordination of each member’s day habilitation service plan with other healthcare professionals
- Coordinated implementation of physician’s orders with the member, family, and program staff
Exercise Groups
- Aerobics
- Bowling
- Dance Class
- Fitness Equipment
- Walking Club
Nutrition Groups
- Activities of Daily Living (ADL’s) addresses planning and preparing nutritious meals, shopping for groceries and other needs
- Cooking class
- Diet Champions
The programs operate Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 2:30pm.

Are you interested?
Referrals to the day habilitation programs are typically made through the Department of Developmental Services (DDS). Self-referrals from families with MassHealth are accepted.
Traci Cabral
Director of Day Programs
Office: 508-695-4046 x136
Cell: 508-212-8077

Lead Developmental Specialist, Journey's North Attleboro
Kevin Seccareccia
508-695-4046 x109