Who We Are
In honor of the extraordinary dedication to adults with disabilities and life challenges, AEI proudly recognizes the following award recipients.
Community Advocate of the Year Awards
AEI established the Community Advocate Award in 2011 to recognize people and businesses in the community who have broken down barrier for AEI participants. We firmly believe that working together strengthens our communities and creates opportunities for people with a wide range of abilities.
Ryan Saglio, Employment Supports Manager, presented the award to Dogtopia which was received by Chris Parrillo.

Shelley Raposa, Director of Development, presented the award to Cathleen Desimone, Major of Attleboro.

John Alves Employee of the Year Award
Each year an AEI program participant is chosen because they demonstrate qualities we all valued in John Alves, a former AEI staff. Those qualities are exemplary attendance, positive attitude, empathy for others, and demonstrated achievement.
John Raposa, Director of Employment Services and Joann Gorman from Stop & Shop South Attleboro presented this year's award to Brandon Moore!
"I have been working for Stop & Shop for 37 years. On November 5th, twelve days from now Brandon and I will have worked together for 11 of those years. It has been a roller coaster. We've had our ups and downs. Meetings and meltdowns. However, one thing has remained constant, the support Brandon has received from John Raposa and his family, especially his mother Karen. They have supported me, in helping me, help Brandon.
Brandon has been a cashier several times but we couldn't get it to stick. Each time Brandon's mouth would get him in trouble. Well this was Brandon's year. He has made great strides. He is an excellent cashier. He is always willing to help out. His customer service skills are on point. And when it comes to fundraising he has consistently been in the top 5.
Brandon remained focused on his goal of becoming a cashier. Even with this setbacks he acted as his own advocate and continually wanted to prove that he could do it. And he has. I see Brandon continuing to improve and I look forward to having him on my team for many years to come."
- JoAnn Gorman

Ernest H. Augat Award
At every critical juncture in AEI’s history, Mr. Augat or the Augat Foundation was there to support our vision of the future. We proudly present this award annually as a way to keep Mr. Augat’s spirit alive and to remind us all of the man behind the name. Each year, we select an AEI participant who embodies the qualities which lead to Mr. Augat’s success and made him a well-respected and revered member of our community. Those qualities are: strength in the face of adversity, humility, generosity and a strong sense of character.
Jerry Pilkington, CEO & President, presented this year's award to Brenda Lucke!
"This year's winner is a long-time member of a our Day Habilitation and Community Based Day Supports programs. She's a previous winner - in 2012, she won the John Alves Award for her work at Olympic Fitness. She is currently working and loves to go out with her coworkers to go to lunch and go shopping."
- Jerry Pilkington

Excellence in Direct Care Service Awards
Our 2023 Staff of the Year in North Attleboro is Renee Walker!
"One person was repeatedly described as professional, helpful, and flexible. Someone who says good morning to every single staff and individual in the building, not just their program. She assists new staff with professionalism and tact, never hesitating to speak because she is dedicated to doing things the right way. Her laughter resonates throughout the building making you smile and laugh too. You know when she has arrived because the air changes. But I want to share that it is a true testament to greatness when your reputation is so good that another program keeps trying to get you moved there."
- Traci Cabral, Director of Day Programs

Our 2023 Staff of the Year in Mansfield is Lois Rawson!
"When considering nominees for Mansfield Staff of the year, one person came up repeatedly. This person often shares what motivates her every day. She says she asks herself, 'What am I doing every day to improve their lives?' We can tell you that you are improving the day services division by being a fantastic team member who not only works every site when asked but volunteered to do so. You can often be heard saying you want to make people smile. You always put a smile on our faces when you say 'good morning, young lady', and hands down, you are the karaoke queen!"
- Traci Cabral, Director of Day Programs

Our 2023 Staff of the Year in the Family Supports program is Christine Branco!
"Christine has been with AEI since 1999 – so for 24 years we have had the privilege of having Christine part of the AEI family. She has been such a constant and stable presence for the men she supports. I’d like to thank her for living up to our agency’s values, showing integrity and passion for the job. Christine is resourceful and takes initiative, all with a cheerful disposition. She is the house supervisor's right hand, our go to person, often having her train new employees in the home.
If you spend any amount of time with Christine, she will leave a lasting impression. We have an individual who used to be with AEI and moved back home, but he stall calls every Thursday to stay in touch but really it’s to speak with her.
Christine, thank you for your years of dedication, long – very long hours, often times days at a time, of wonderful care and support you provide."
- Martha Rubi-Rapoza, Director of Family Supports
Longevity Awards
30 Years
David Bruneau, Residential Direct Care
20 Years
Marylou Fogg, Senior Bookkeeper
Beth Perrault, DayHab Instructor
15 Years
Ann Rodrigues, Residential Direct Care
5 Years
Terri Gauvin, Lead Developmental Specialist
Niss Presmy, Residential Direct Care
Marissa Trambowicz, Clinician
30 Years
Chuck Cederberg, Secretary
20 Years
Ron Struminski, Director